Frequently Asked Questions
New Account Checklist
What will I need to open a personal account?
You will need to provide your physical address, social security number, phone number and date of birth. In addition, you will be asked to provide two forms of identification prior to the establishment of any relationship with BSNB. At least one form of identification must be considered primary.
Primary Identification:
- Valid state issued driver’s license
- Valid passport or U.S. Passport identification card
- Valid state issued identification card - for example, non-driver photo identification card issued by DMV (Sheriff’s identification cards are not acceptable)
- U.S. Government identification card (U.S. Armed Forces)
Secondary Identification (Not accepted in lieu of primary identification):
- U.S. Government identification card (U.S. Armed Forces)
- Automobile registration
- Credit card
- Union card
- Local government identification card (generally contains a photograph but little other information. Some non-drivers carry this in lieu of a driver’s license)
- Original draft registration card
- Local company identification card (company should be recognizable and reputable)
- Valid Green Card
What will I need to open a commercial, non-profit, estate or trust account?
In addition to providing your physical address, tax ID and phone number, you will need two forms of identification, one of which must be considered primary. Please see the list above for primary and secondary identification options. You will also need the following documentation depending on your organization type:
Sole Proprietor
- Certificate of Assumed Name
- Employer/Tax Identification Number (only if applicable)
- Employer/Tax Identification Number
- Partnership Agreement
- Certificate of Assumed Name
- Name, Date of Birth, Physical Address, & Social Security Number for each individual who owns, directly or indirectly, 25% or more of the equity interest of the organization.
- Title (CEO, CFO, President, Vice President, etc.), Name, Date of Birth, Physical Address, & Social Security Number for one individual with significant responsibility for managing the organization.
Limited Liability Company (LLC) and Limited Liability Partnership (LLP)
- Employer/Tax Identification Number EIN/TIN
- Operating Agreement
- Articles of Organization
- NYS Filing Receipt
- Application for Authority (only if applicable)
- Name, Date of Birth, Physical Address, & Social Security Number for each individual who owns, directly or indirectly, 25% or more of the equity interest of the organization.
- Title (CEO, CFO, President, Vice President, etc.), Name, Date of Birth, Physical Address, & Social Security Number for one individual with significant responsibility for managing the organization.
Corporations (Including C-Corp and S-Corp)
Employer/Tax Identification Number
- NYS filing receipt
- Certificate of Incorporation
- Bylaws
- Name, Date of Birth, Physical Address, & Social Security Number for each individual who owns, directly or indirectly, 25% or more of the equity interest of the organization.
- Title (CEO, CFO, President, Vice President, etc.), Name, Date of Birth, Physical Address, & Social Security Number for one individual with significant responsibility for managing the organization.
Not-For-Profits (501(c)3/501(c)6)
- Tax Exempt Certificates
- Certification of Incorporation
- Employer/Tax Identification Number
- NYS Filing Receipt
- Bylaws
Trust or Estate Account
- Legal documentation
General Banking
What is my routing number?
If you are reordering checks, setting up a direct deposit or automatic payment, it may be necessary to provide an "ABA number" (ABA stands for American Bankers Association). ABA numbers expedite the processing of debits and credits between financial institutions. If you are reordering checks, refer to the bottom left-hand corner of the check; the first nine digits represent the routing number. If you are trying to set up a direct deposit or automatic payment, you should use the ABA routing number for BSNB; 021304675.
How do I access my bank account over the phone?
You may call 518-885-6782 and press 1; this is our BANKLINK24, the only number you’ll ever need to access account information. Any time, any day.
How do I sign up for eStatements?
You may sign up for eStatements at any time through our online banking site at
How do I reorder checks?
As long as all information such as name and address are the same, you may reorder the same style checks through our online banking site at, or by calling customer service at 518-885-6781, Monday through Friday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. and Saturdays from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m.. For any changes to information or styles of checks please contact your local branch.
How do I place a stop payment on a check?
You may visit our website,, to access your accounts through online banking, or speak with a customer service representative at your local branch.
When are funds available after I make a deposit?
Please see our Funds Availability Policies.
How do I find out if a specific check has cleared?
You may visit our website and use our online banking website, call BANKLINK24 at 518-885-6782, contact customer service at 518-885-6781, Monday through Friday 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. and Saturdays from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m., or speak with a customer service representative at your local branch.
How can I transfer funds after banking hours?
You may transfer funds after banking hours by accessing our mobile banking services, visiting our online banking website at, visiting any of our 13 ATMs or calling BANKLINK24 at 518-885-6782.
Are my funds FDIC insured?
Any person or entity can have FDIC insurance coverage in an insured bank. FDIC insurance covers all types of deposits received by an insured bank, including deposits in a checking account, negotiable order of withdrawal (NOW) account, savings account, money market deposit account (MMDA) or time deposit such as a certificate of deposit (CD). The FDIC does not insure money invested in stocks, bonds, mutual funds, life insurance policies, annuities or municipal securities, even if these investments are purchased at an insured bank. The FDIC does not insure safe deposit boxes or their contents. Please contact your local branch or visit the FDIC website at to receive more information.
How do I change my address on my accounts?
A signature is necessary to change your address on your accounts; you may send a change of address form to our main office:
Attn: Deposit Support Services
PO Box 70
Ballston Spa, NY 12020
Or visit your local branch.
How do I change my name on my accounts?
Documentation may be required to change a name on your accounts; this may include marriage certificates or other legal documentation. For more information, call customer service at 518-885-6781, Monday through Friday 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. and Saturdays from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m., or visit your local branch.
How can I avoid overdraft fees?
At BSNB you have two options to avoid overdraft fees. The first is our Savings Overdraft Transfer (SOT) program. Simply link your BSNB checking and savings accounts, and the SOT automatically transfers funds from your savings account to your checking in $25 increments. The second option is our Instant Money Line. This is a line of credit which will advance the funds necessary to pay the overdraft. Ask a BSNB representative for additional details or contact customer service at 518-885-6781, Monday through Friday 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. and Saturdays from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m..
Mobile Banking
What is the difference between Available Balance and Current Balance?
They are defined as follows:
- Available Balance – The account's running balance, including pending purchases or funding holds
- Current Balance – The account’s balance at the close of business the prior day. Pending purchases and funding holds are NOT included in this balance.
Online Banking
What type of security do you offer?
We have designed a distributed security network that ensures protection throughout the process. Distributed security means that rather than relying on one security measure we rely on several. Among those we use are authentication, encryption and automatic time-outs. All sessions are encrypted. That means your passcode and all the information relating to you and your accounts employ some of the strongest forms of cryptography that are commercially available for use over the Internet. If for any reason your secure session ends, your session terminates automatically.
How do I know if my banking session is encrypted?
Your banking session is encrypted when the URL address begins with “https://”. This indicates the site is secure. Browsers also indicate security status in a graphical manner, with a special icon or something similar. Microsoft Internet Explorer uses a padlock icon in the lower right corner of the browser window. Double-click on this item to get more detailed security information. If for some reason your secure session ends, your banking session terminates.
What type of encryption do I need?
We require you to use 128-bit (domestic or U.S. grade) encryption if possible, which is available on most popular browsers like Mozilla Firefox, Microsoft Internet Explorer, and Google Chrome.
What security measures are taken to prevent sensitive information from being intercepted online?
From the moment account information leaves your computer to the time it enters computers at our processing center, we take numerous steps to keep information secure in cyberspace. All sessions are encrypted. That means your passcode and all information relating to you and your accounts employ some of the strongest forms of cryptography that are commercially available for use over the Internet. If for any reason your secure session ends, your session terminates automatically. When information is sent via the Internet, the information is broken down into separate packages, called packets, before leaving your computer. These packets are reassembled when they reach our processing center. Since millions of packets are sent over the Internet at any given moment, it would be extremely difficult for a hacker to find all those relating to you. Your name and full account number are never sent over the Internet. So even if someone intercepts a transmission, the information obtained wouldn’t be useful. Unfortunately, this will not help if a virus called a Trojan is installed on your computer from malware. Trojans can record your key strokes including your UserID and passwords transmitting them to cyber criminals. It is up to the user to monitor and scan their computers to detect and remove these kinds of threats. BSNB strongly recommends the use of anti-virus software.
Getting Started
Why do I have a red message notice on my page?
If you have any unread urgent messages, an Urgent Messages link appears in red on every page. Clicking this link takes you to the Messages page.
Can I change my access ID?
Yes. Your access ID is unique to your account, but it can be changed. Click the Profile Settings tab, and then click Change Access ID.
Can I use any browser for online banking?
Most of the newer versions of Mozilla Firefox, Microsoft Internet Explorer, Google Chrome and Apple Safari are supported or allowed in Online Banking. This list is continually changing since new versions of browsers like Microsoft Edge are being introduced and tested while older browser versions like Microsoft Internet Explorer 6.0 are being retired. Please contact customer services at 518-885-6781, Monday through Friday 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. with any questions.
What accounts can I access online?
Checking, Savings, Money Market, CD, IRA and Loans may all be accessed through the system.
Account Summary
Do I have to log out completely before switching accounts?
No. To switch accounts, on the left-hand drop-down menu, select the account you want to work with next.
Account Detail
What is the difference between activity and detail?
History and detail are defined as follows:
- Activity – This shows the account's transaction history covering a given date range within the last two years since you signed up.
- Detail – This shows detailed information about the account including account owner, account type, account number, interest paid, hold amount, ledger balance, and account history for the last month.
What is the difference between Available Balance, Current Balance, Balance and Daily Ledger Balance?
They are defined as follows:
- Available Balance – The account's running balance, including pending purchases or funding holds
- Current Balance – The account’s balance at the close of business the prior day. Pending purchases and funding holds are NOT included in this balance.
- Balance – The account's running balance, including pending purchases or funding holds
- Daily Ledger Balance – The account’s balance at the close of business the prior day. Pending purchases and funding holds are NOT included in this balance.
From which balance can I make online transfers?
For online transfers, use the Available Balance. This balance takes into consideration most, but not all, pending transactions you have made. The system checks this balance for sufficient funds before making payments.
Account History
There is a "Pending transaction” on my Account History page. What is it?
A pending entry is created for all transactions (Ex: online bill payment or transfer), that will post on the current or future business day.
What page do I have to be on to download into Quicken, Microsoft Money or QuickBooks?
You must be on the Accounts page. On the Accounts page, click on the account you want to download. Under Actions, click View History.
How can I download my account activity into Quicken, Microsoft Money or QuickBooks?
On the Account Activity page, click on the Dowload icon and enter the dates and format you wish to download.
Can I upload from Quicken?
No. The history is generated from your activities on this site.
How do I download into a spreadsheet like Microsoft Excel?
You must be on the Accounts page.
- Choose either the comma separated or the tab separated format.
- Save as “download.csv”.
- Open your spreadsheet.
- Open the downloaded file.
Transferring Funds
If I have a problem transferring funds, how do I report it?
When a problem occurs with a transfer, write down the Transfer ID number appearing on the Transfer Confirmation page, and refer to it when you report the problem by secure email to BSNB. Click the Messages tab, and then click the Contact Us link to report the problem. For assistance, please contact customer service at 518-885-6781, Monday through Friday 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. and Saturdays from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.
Can I transfer money from one BSNB account to another BSNB account?
Yes, if both accounts are accessible online. Click the Move Money tab, and look for the Schedule Transfer module on the page. Fill in the account, description, amount, frequency, and period information, and click the Transfer button to schedule the transfer.
Can I transfer money online to an account at another financial institution?
Yes. You can enter an external transfer account request for your non-BSNB, account by clicking the Move Money tab and click Add External Transfers Account page. BSNB will review and approve or decline the request, and notify you by an in-session alert that you can open on the Messages tab. Transfer fees may apply.
When I schedule a transfer, are these changes reflected immediately in my balance?
Yes, the debit transfers are reflected immediately on the Account Activity page as a pending transaction. The posted transactions will be displayed when BSNB updates the online transfers.
How soon after a transaction is performed will it appear on the system?
This varies according to the type of transaction. Transactions are not instantaneous. However, debit transactions will show up immediately as a pending transaction and will affect your available balance. Most transactions will be processed on the same banking day, and your balance will be updated.
General Questions
What can I do in the Services and Settings tab?
The Services and Settings menu, which is an icon at top of page, allows you to request many standard financial services, including reordering checks, enrolling in mobile banking, requesting stop payments, updating contact information, and ordering copies of documents, such as cancelled checks, disclosure forms and loan agreements. You can also send questions or comments to BSNB through encrypted message, change your passcode and look up BSNB contact information by clicking the Profile Settings icon.
Managing Your Account
How do I change my passcode?
Click the Profile Settings tab and select Change Passcode to change your passcode.
How often do I have to change my passcode?
You will be required to change it after 180 days if you have not changed it prior to that. If you feel your passcode has been compromised, please contact us immediately. At any other time, you can change the passcode in the Welcome tab.
Are there guidelines for creating a secure passcode?
Yes. Passcodes require a minimum of 8 characters consisting of at least 1 letter and 1 number. We recommend using at least 1 uppercase letter and at least 1 special character. In addition, your passcode cannot be the same as your Access ID.
What do I do if I forget my passcode?
Click the Forget Your Passcode? link where you log in to Online Banking on BSNB’s home page Or contact customer service at 518-885-6781, Monday through Friday 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. and Saturdays from 9 a.m. to noon.
Accessing Banking Services
How do I reorder checks?
Click the Welcome tab, and then click All Servides and Setting. Click on hte Reorder Checks in the Bnaking Services section. For security reasons, you can only reorder checks with the same style and address as your current checks. To change the check style or address, contact BSNB directly.
How do I send a message to you?
Click the Send a Secure Message link on the Message tab.
Can I change my access ID?
Yes. Click the Welcome tab, and then click Change Access ID.
What type of files can not be used with Secure File Transfer?
Some file types (.exe, .bat, .com, .sys) are not allowed. Online Banking can accept a file size up to 5MB. Cash Management can accept a file size up to 20MB.
Contacting BSNB
How do I report a problem?
For most problems, click the Messages icon, and then click New Message. Describe your problem in the message and send it to us, or contact customer service at 518-885-6781, Monday through Friday 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. and Saturdays from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.
Why is secure messaging necessary?
The information you are sending is sensitive. A secure message ensures that your information will stay confidential. However, never send your passcode. Customer service does not need it to help you.
How do I read a message from BSNB?
While logged on, click the Messages icon, and then click the message you wish to read in the list.
Bill Pay
How do I get started using this feature?
Upon logging into your Online Banking session at, click on the Payments tab to request bill pay services.
Who can I make bill payments to with Bill Pay?
You may pay a variety of vendors including utilities, local businesses and even individuals. You may also pay a bill at another financial institution.
How many bill payments can I make each month?
Please see our Online Banking Fees and Charges Schedule.
How does my payee receive payment?
Payments are sent electronically whenever possible. If the company or person cannot receive electronic payments the payment will be sent as a check to the billing address.
What account can I use to make payments from?
You may make payments from any BSNB consumer or business checking account.
How long does it take for my payment to reach my payee?
Most payments can be delivered electronically, the next business day. If the payment is sent by check, however, if can take up to four days. The payment calendar can help determine the dates you can select to make your payments.
What are e-bills?
An e-bill (electronic bill) is a bill you can view and pay online at the Payment Center. It typically contains the same information as a paper bill or statement. There will be a Get Bill icon next to any biller who offers e-bills.
How do I pay e-bills?
Once an e-bill has been added there will be a Bill Due icon that appears in the Pay Bills section of the Payment Center at the time the bill is due. Select the appropriate biller and amount option and follow the steps to Pay Bill, Make Payments, Submit Payments and Finished.
Debit Card
How do I activate my new card?
You may activate your new card by calling 1-866-633-5293 from your home phone or any number you’ve provided BSNB. You will need the last 4 digits of your Social Security number, the last 4 digits of your card number, and the expiration date. You may also stop in to your local branch and visit one of our customer service representatives For assistance, please contact customer service at 518-885-6781, Monday through Friday 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. and Saturdays from 9 a.m. to noon.
How do I report a lost or stolen debit card?
During business hours, please call 518-885-6781 or visit your local branch office. To report a lost or stolen card during non-business hours, please call 1-800-500-1044.
What should I do if my PIN isn’t working?
You can contact customer service at 518-885-6781, Monday through Friday 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. and Saturdays from 9 a.m. to noon, to speak with one of our customer service representatives. You may visit your local branch and speak with one of our customer service representatives. We may reset your PIN, or, if necessary, assign you a new one.
Can I add additional accounts to my card?
You can visit your local branch and speak with one of our customer service representatives to request additional accounts be added to your card. You can also contact customer service at 518-885-6781, Monday through Friday 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. and Saturdays from 9 a.m. to noon, to speak with one of our customer service representatives.
How is my debit card different from a credit card?
Your debit card may be used at millions of locations worldwide that accept MasterCard. Unlike a credit card, the debit card is not a line of credit. You may only access funds you have on deposit in your accounts at BSNB.
What should I do if there is an unauthorized transaction on my card?
Please notify BSNB as soon as you become aware of the unauthorized transaction at 518-885-6781, or visit your local branch and speak with one of our customer service representatives.
How will my transaction work when I pay at the pump for gasoline?
You may choose debit or credit to pay for your purchase. If you choose credit your available account balance will be reduced by the amount of the purchase. If you choose debit and use your PIN, the gas station may hold an additional amount against your account until the transaction has cleared your account at BSNB. BSNB assesses a fee for any PIN transaction.
How will my transaction work when I pay for dinner at a restaurant?
Your transaction will work as a credit card; you will sign the receipt and your account will be charged the amount of the transaction.
Should I sign when I make a purchase or use my PIN?
When you sign for your purchase the transaction is free of charge. If you use your PIN there is a fee for each transaction.
Can I use my Debit Card when traveling outside of the U.S.?
You may use your debit card when traveling outside of the U.S. We ask that you notify us beforehand and we will add a trace note to your account for the period of your travel.